Open Access Article
A Large Class Engagement (LCE) Model Based on Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) and Flipped Classrooms
1 University of Western Australia;
2 SP Jain School of Global Management
Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 41, 2014, Pages 1-24;
Ensuring that university graduates are ready for their professional futures is a complex undertaking that includes, but is not limited to, the development of their professional knowledge and skills, and the provision of empowering learning experiences established through their own contributions. One way to draw these complex processes together for a large undergraduate class setting may be through a teaching and learning framework that centres on engagement. Engagement precipitates deeper learning, based on student-centred knowledge and skills development through co-creation. This conceptual paper proposes the Large Class Engagement model (LCE), which integrates high levels of student cognitive involvement and participation as antecedents to engagement, and treats engagement as a co-creation process between educators and students. The model applies services theory to conceptualise engagement in large flipped classes. The case study in this paper adds a new perspective to higher education. More specifically, it illustrates how a service dominant logic can be used to foster co-creation and thus enhance the learning experiences and outcomes in very large classes.