Open Access Article

Teaching the Teachers: A Study of Perceived Professional Development Needs of Educators to Enhance Positive Attitudes toward Inclusive Practices

by Sandra A. Shady1, Vicki L. Luther2 and Laila J. Richman3

1 Perkiomen Valley School District
2 Middle Georgia State College
3 Towson University

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 40, 3 April 2013, Pages 169-191;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv40.13008


In recent years, inclusive practices have been widely promoted in educational settings, and as a result of this movement, a growing number of students with disabilities, particularly those with learning disabilities, are now served in general education classrooms. Yet while inclusion can be extremely beneficial, many students are placed with teachers who have little or no training in inclusive practices. The purpose of this study was to determine educators’ perceptions of inclusion and to identify specific professional development needs of both general and special education teachers in one elementary school in the United States.