Open Access Article

A Review of Motivational Smoking Cessation Programs for Adolescents in the Schools

by Leigh Baker, Mary-Catherine McClain, Vicie Hurst, Steffanie Grossman,

Vincent Dehili, Scott Flagg, Diana Marshall, and Frances Prevatt

Florida State University

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 39, 2012, Pages 104-135;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv39.12006


This review provides a qualitative overview of school-based smoking cessation programs for adolescents, with a focus on motivationally based programs. Project-Ex and Not-On-Tobacco are two heavily studied interventions with substantial empirical support. Other programs such as use of Motivational Interviewing with the stage of change model have preliminary support. Patterns commonly shared by successful programs included the use of psychoeducational resources, trained cessation counselors, and collaboration among students in the specified program. Further research among all programs is recommended to provide additional empirical support and determine what program components are most effective. Implications, limitations, and areas for future research are also addressed.