Open Access Article

Integrating Technology in Education: Moving the TPCK Framework towards Practical Applications

by Richard P. Hechter, Lynette D. Phyfe, and Laurie A. Vermette

University of Manitoba

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 39, 2012, Pages 136-152;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv39.12007


This theoretical paper offers a conceptual interpretation of the Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPCK) framework to include the role of context within practical classroom applications. Our interpretation suggests that the importance of these three knowledge bases fluctuate within each stage of teachers’ planning and instruction, depending on classroom contexts and desired learning outcomes. Applications for the science classroom are provided. The implications of this conceptual interpretation offer pragmatic ways of understanding the TPCK model within preservice and inservice teacher education programs, professional development, and classroom practice.