Open Access Article

Focus Group Outcomes of the Happy Kids Program

by Karen Anderson, Neil Ferguson, Gary Partington and Matt Byrne

Edith Cowan University

Published in: Education Research and Perspectives, Volume 42, 2015, Pages 607-632;
DOI: 10.70953/ERPv42.15019


In this article, the outcomes of The Happy Kids project, a strategy to improve the social and emotional well-being of primary school students, were examined. Results indicated that the Happy Kids program had demonstrated positive social and emotional outcomes for students in all schools, in particular, a positive impact upon students’ confidence, social skills and well being. In addition, the program has demonstrated positive improvement in students’ attendance. Given its positive impact in schools in both metropolitan and regional areas of WA, it has demonstrated transferability and adaptability to local contexts. It can only be hoped that its impact can be felt in later years as the students involved continue with secondary education.