Editorial Board

Elaine Chapman

Editor in Chief

Elaine Chapman is the Editor in Chief for ERP. She is based in the Graduate School of Education at UWA. Elaine held academic positions at Monash University and at the University of Sydney prior to settling at UWA. Elaine’s background is in psychology, but she has always had an interest in applying knowledge from psychology to education. Her general research interests lie in the areas of applied social and educational psychology, educational assessment, and research methods. Elaine has published research and supervised doctoral students across a diverse range of areas in the field of education.

Peyman G.P. Sabet

Associate Editor

Dr. Peyman G.P. Sabet is a Doctor of Education candidate at the University of Western Australia with a focus on educational psychology and internationalisation of Australian tertiary education. He also holds a PhD in language and intercultural education from Curtin University where he works as a lecturer in TESOL. Peyman has been involved in language pedagogy and linguistics for more than twenty-five years, with a wealth of teaching experience and publications in a number of peer-reviewed journals. Peyman’s research expertise lies in the areas of Interlanguage Pragmatics, Pragmatic Competence, Inter/Cross-cultural Communication, Intercultural Competence, Vague Language and second language acquisition.

Jian Zhao

Associate Editor

Dr. Jian Zhao is an early-career researcher at the Graduate School of Education, University of Western Australia, where she completed her PhD in December 2022. Specialising in mental health measurement, assessment design, and mixed-methods research, she has contributed to projects on the mental health of Chinese international students in Australia and the prediction of self-harm, suicidal behaviours among young people in Western Australia. Dr. Zhao developed instruments for assessing coping strategies and monitoring mental health changes, which have been used by other researchers. Her work is published in peer-reviewed journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Education, Behavioural Science, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, and Social Behaviour and Personality: An International Journal. Her key research interests include mental health measurement, assessment design, international student mental health, coping strategies, resilience, and the prediction of suicide and self-harm.

David Andrich


Professor David Andrich is currently the Chapple Chair in Education at the University of Western Australia. Professor Andrich is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, and is a world authority on Rasch’s probabilistic measurement models. He completed a BSc in mathematics and applied mathematics at the University of Western Australia. He then completed a PhD at the University of Chicago’s MESA program in the School of Education in 1973. In 1986, Professor Andrich took up his position as Professor of Education at Murdoch University, where he worked until 2007. During that time, he was the Dean of Education at Murdoch University from 1988-1990 inclusive, and from June 2003 until end May 2005. In 2007 he returned to The University of Western Australia as Chapple Professor of Education. Professor Andrich has been a member of editorial boards for a number of journals including Psychometrika (1995–2003), Applied Psychological Measurement (1986-), the Journal of Educational Measurement (1984–1989) and Australian Journal of Education (1990–1993). Professor Andrich is especially known for his work on Rasch measurement theory. He is the author of Rasch Models for Measurement (Sage) and coauthor napsauta tätä linkkiä of the software package Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Models (RUMMLab). He has published extensively in areas ranging from Rasch models to philosophy of science.

Kevin Durkin


Kevin Durkin is now Professor of Psychology at the University of Strathclyde, having previously held a Chair apotheek at the University of Western Australia. He has written a large number of journal articles and books, and is editor of First Language journal. Professor Durkin’s research interests fall in the areas of social and communicative development. Current topics include aspects of language development, media use by young people, development of stereotypes, developmental disorders, and problem behaviour in adolescence.

Lorin Anderson


Professor Anderson spent his entire academic career at the University of South Carolina, arriving in August, 1973, and retiring in August, 2006.  During his career at the University he taught graduate courses in research design, curriculum development, assessment, and evaluation.  Since his retirement, he has spent his time consulting with educators and policy makers on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, curriculum development, and effective teaching strategies for children of poverty in the United States, Eastern Europe, and South America.   His primary research interests are the nurturing of young educational researchers, the allocation and productive use of school time, and improving the quality of education for economically-disadvantaged children and youth.  In 2003, he co-founded the Center of Excellence to Prepare Teachers of Children of Poverty, which is located at Francis Marion University.  He has established an endowed fund at the University of South Carolina to support first-generation college students who aspire to become educators.

Marnie O’Neill


Marnie O’Neill is a Professor of Education at the University of Western Australia, and was previously an Editor of ERP. She was the inaugural Director of Teaching for pre-service teacher education in the Graduate School of Education, The University of Western minunaptekki Australia. She then co-ordinated the Doctor of Education program with Professor Tom O’Donoghue for twelve years. She served as Dean and head of school for five years. Her current spheres of interest are in supervision of higher degree students and contributions to teaching and supervision in transnational Masters and Doctoral programs in Singapore and Hong Kong. Professor O’Neill’s expertise lies in qualitative studies including interpretivist approaches (interview studies, case studies, perspectival studies). Fields of interest include gender studies, curriculum theory, policy and practice, classroom interaction, teacher induction and professional development, social discourse theory. Professor O’Neill has published numerous journal articles in outlets such as English Quarterly, Curriculum Perspectives, English in Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, and The International Journal of Inclusivity. She has also written numerous invited book chapters.

Geoffrey Sherington


Professor Geoffrey Sherington is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Sydney. Former Dean of the Faculty of Education (1997-2003) and then Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (2003), Professor Sherington has been a member of the University of Sydney for over 25 years. Having graduated with Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History from the University of Sydney and then a Master of Arts from the University of New South Wales, he then studied oveseas in Canada and England graduating from McMaster University with a Ph D. On return to Australia he was appointed a Lecturer in Education at the University of Wollongong before taking up an appointment at the University of Sydney. After a career as lecturer, senior lecturer and Associate Professor he was appointed to a personal chair in médicament the history of education in 1997 just prior to becoming Dean of the Faculty. Over the past 30 years, Professor Sherington has been the author and co-author of 15 books and numerous articles in the history of education. His current interests include the fate of the comprehensive public high school and the history of universities as public institutions. Currently he is not only working on the middle class and school choice project, but a new history of the rise of public universities in Australia and New Zealand.

Irina Verenikina


Dr. Irina Verenikina holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the Russian Academy of Education and is a Full Member of the Australian Psychological Society. She is Director of Graduate Teaching at the Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong. Before moving to Australia she held a research position in the Russian Academy of Sciences, International Laboratory of Communication and New Technologies. She was a leader in the Russian-American “New Information Technology and Literacy” Project which was funded by the US Andrew Mellon Foundation (in collaboration with LCHC, UCSD). In 2002-2008 Dr. Verenikina represented Australia and New Zealand as a member of the Executive Committee of ISCAR (International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory). Currently Dr. Verenikina is Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Triennial ISCAR Congress to be held in Australia in 2014. Dr. Verenikina’s research interests relate to the application of sociocultural Vygotskian psychology to teaching and learning, as well as to the effective use of information technologies in education and work organisations. She is an author of over one hundred publications including three books on Educational Psychology.

John Biggs


John Biggs has held Chairs in Education in Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong and is currently an Honorary Professor of Psychology at HKU. Professor Biggs developed the SOLO Taxonomy for assessing the quality of learning outcomes, and the model of constructive alignment for designing teaching and assessment. After studying psychology at the University of Tasmania, Professor Biggs moved to the UK for doctoral studies at the University of London. He has published extensively on student learning and the implications of his research for teaching. Professor Biggs’s most influential work is his concept of constructive alignment. This concept, a form of outcomes-based education, is outlined in Teaching for Quality Learning in University (McGraw-Hill/Open University Press). The fourth edition is co-authored with Catherine Tang, based on their experience in implementing constructive alignment in several countries. Post-retirement, he is exercising his right hemisphere by publishing fiction.

Robert Slavin


Robert Slavin is a world leader in the area of Educational Psychology. He is presently the Director of the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and spearheaded the US-based Success for All Foundation. Professor Slavin received his BA in Psychology from Reed College in 1972, and his PhD in Social Relations in 1975 from Johns Hopkins University. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 articles and 20 books, including Educational Psychology: Theory into Practice (Allyn & Bacon, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006), Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice (Allyn & Bacon, 1990, 1995), Show Me the Evidence: Proven and Promising Programs for America’s Schools (Corwin, 1998), Effective Programs for Latino Students (Erlbaum, 2000), and One Million Children: Success for All (Corwin, 2001). Professor Slavin received the American Educational Research Association’s Raymond B Cattell Early Career Award for Programmatic Research in 1986, the Palmer O Johnson award for the best article in an AERA journal in 1988, the Charles A Dana award in 1994, the James Bryant Conant Award from the Education Commission of the States in 1998, the Outstanding Leadership in Education Award from the Horace Mann League in 1999, and the Distinguished Services Award from the Council of Chief State School Officers in 2000.